Support LRA Students & Reduce Your Taxes: It's a Win-Win!

Did you know you can directly support Lake Ridge Academy students and programs while lowering your Ohio taxes? It's true!

Through the Ohio Association of Independent Schools Scholarship Granting Organization (OAIS SGO), Ohio taxpayers can receive a tax credit of up to $750 per individual or $1,500 per couple for donations to eligible Scholarship Granting Organizations like OAIS SGO.

Here's How it Works:

List of 2 items.

  • Donate to OAIS SGO

    Visit the OAIS SGO website and designate your contribution to Lake Ridge Academy.
  • Claim Your Tax Credit

    When filing your Ohio income tax returns, claim the tax credit for your donation amount.
Your generous contribution will directly support LRA students and programs AND reduce your tax burden!

Invest in Our Students, Invest in Your Future

A strong education is the foundation for a successful future. By supporting Lake Ridge Academy through OAIS SGO, you're investing in the bright minds who will shape our world tomorrow. Let's work together to ensure LRA continues to provide exceptional educational opportunities! Donate today through OAIS SGO and make a lasting impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • General Information

    The State of Ohio Tax Credit Scholarship initiative is subject to change by the Ohio Attorney General's Office. The following information is valid as of December 11, 2023.
  • What is Ohio's new scholarship Tax Credit Program?

    The Ohio General Assembly established a program whereby Ohioans can receive a 100% tax credit against Ohio income tax liability for cash contributions to certified Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs) that grant student scholarships. The maximum credit amount is currently $750, or $1,500 if married filing jointly.
  • What is the OAIS SGO?

    The Ohio Association of Independent Schools (OAIS) is a scholarship-granting organization (SGO) that provides Ohio students with the crucial funding they need to receive the best education possible. OAIS is committed to the quality education that independent schools provide to students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Who will benefit from this program?

    The program will benefit all Lake Ridge Academy students through programming support. It will also benefit taxpayers, as they now have the opportunity to direct a portion of their tax obligation to SGOs of personal interest. This is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against your tax liability for the State of Ohio.

Contributing to the OAIS SGO

List of 3 frequently asked questions.

Tax Credit Information

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • General Information

    The information below is general in nature and is not intended to be used as tax advice. Please consult a tax professional who is aware of your personal tax situation about this credit and your potential use of it.
  • How does this new tax credit allow me to GIVE $750 and GET $750?

    You will claim this credit when you file your Ohio state income tax return. The credit will reduce your state tax liability (the amount you owe in taxes). A tax credit limits your tax benefit to no more than what you owe in taxes. The amount of the tax credit you can claim equals 100% of the amount you contribute, up to $750 per taxpayer.

    If you and your spouse file "Married Filing Jointly," you can receive a credit for up to $1,500 on your joint state income tax return.
  • Is the amount I claim a tax deduction?

    Contributors to the OAIS SGO will receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit up to the maximum contribution of $750 per individual or $1,500 per couple, filing married jointly. This is different from a tax deduction. Tax deductions reduce your taxable income. A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar credit against the taxes you have paid or will owe to the state of Ohio.
  • How do I get a tax credit?

    1. Review your tax liability from last year (2022 Ohio IT 1040, line 8c) to help estimate your tax liability for 2023, against which the credit can apply if desired. Please remember that the maximum credit amount is currently $750 ($1500 if "Married Filing Jointly").
    2. Make your contribution online by visiting here.
    3. Taxpayers claim the credit when they complete their tax return by writing in their contribution amount on the designated lines of the Ohio Individual Income Tax return and attaching their tax receipt from the OAIS SGO. If you 

If you have any questions, please contact:

Caitlin Miller, Assistant Director of Annual Giving, at (440) 327-1175 ext 9113, or
Lake Ridge Academy is the only independent college preparatory school on Cleveland's west side. Our co-educational curriculum offers a unique blend of academics, extracurricular activities, and a focus on character development, all on our beautiful 93-acre campus. With a student-teacher ratio of 8:1, our devoted faculty provides personalized attention to help every student thrive.